LMB | - Click the left mouse button. |
MMB | - Click the middle/wheel mouse button. |
RMB | - Click the right mouse button. |
Shift | - Hold down the Shift key while typing the listed key. |
Space | - Hold down the Space key while typing the listed key. |
Double | - Double tap the listed key. |
Common Keys
LMB : rotate view
Arrow Keys : rotate by 30 degrees
MMB : pan
RMB : zoom
LMB+MMB : zoom
O : toggle ortho/perspective projection
Pad5,Home : focus view onto polys under mouse pointer
G : mark paint polys
Double-G : mark fill polys
Shift-G : unmark paint
Double-Shift-G : unmark fill
H : hide polys menu
G Menu
If you aim the mouse pointer at empty space, then type the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.
LMB : Click'n'drag the LMB to stretch a box over polys you want to mark.
RMB : Click'n'drag the RMB to stretch a box over polys you want to unmark.
H : Hide all marked polys.
P : Pin the vertexes of all marked polys.
Shift-P : Unpin the vertexes of all marked polys.
S : Unmark marked polys, and visa versa.
U : Unmark all marked polys.
Enter : Make the G menu go away.
H Menu
Whenever you type the H key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.
LMB : Click'n'drag the LMB to stretch a box over polys you want to hide.
RMB : Click'n'drag the RMB to stretch a box; all polys outside are hidden.
S : Hide all visible polys, and unhide all hidden polys.
U : Make all polys visible.
Enter : Make the H menu go away.
UV View
U/1 : toggle/set UV edit view
F : hold down to flatten shell
Space-F : start continuous flatten
Space : stop continuous flatten
Shift-F : bloat then reflatten
B : flatten brush
R : relax brush
Shift-R : very relax brush
X : totally relax brush
O : old flatten brush
-/= : change brush size
C/W : cut/weld seam
Shift-W : toggle weld edges
Backspace : unselect weld edges
M/Shift-M : magnet snap weld edges
Enter : attach/detach shells
Shift-D : undrop shell back to Ed space
L : toggle shell lock
T : tag webbing edges
Shift-T : toggle webbing edges
Backspace : unselect webbing edges
P : toggle pin
Double-P : pin between two already pinned boundary points
Shift-P : pin box menu
S : toggle stack marker/anchor
Double-S : straighten between two stack markers
Shift-S : as above
L/R Arrow : flip shell in U
U/D Arrow : flip shell in V
Ctrl-MMB : move single point
Ctrl-Shift-MMB : move connected points
Shift-MMB : move points in circle
Space-LMB : rotate shell
Space-MMB : move shell
Space-RMB : scale shell
Space-LMB+MMB : as above
Tab : hold down for finer control
_/+ : change UV box size
L/R Arrow : aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in U direction
U/D Arrow : aim pointer at empty space to move UV box in V direction
Tab : hold down for finer control
Ed View
E/2 : toggle/set 3D edit view
C/W : cut/weld seam
Shift-C/W : cut/weld extended
Backspace : unselect cut edges
Enter : detach shell
D : drop shell into UV space
Shift-D : reattach shell
Shift-S : split seams
3D View
3 : toggle/set 3D texture view
C/W : cut/weld seam
Shift-W : toggle weld edges
Backspace : unselect weld edges
T : cycle through textures
-/= : scale texture