User Guide: Hotkeys

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-==== G Menu ====+=== G Menu ===
If you aim the mouse pointer at empty space, then type the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window. If you aim the mouse pointer at empty space, then type the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.

Revision as of 06:22, 1 December 2006

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Below is the full list of hotkeys that can be used in UVLayout's graphics window. Its split into four different sections, the first being hotkeys common to all viewing modes, followed by the hotkeys specific to each of the Ed, UV and 3D viewing modes.

Here's some short-hands used in the lists below:

LMB - Click the left mouse button.
MMB - Click the middle/wheel mouse button.
RMB - Click the right mouse button.
Shift - Hold down the Shift key while typing the listed key.
Space - Hold down the Space key while typing the listed key.
Double - Double tap the listed key.

Common Keys

LMB            : rotate view
Arrow Keys     : rotate by 30 degrees
MMB            : pan
RMB            : zoom
LMB+MMB        : zoom

G              : mark paint polys
Double-G       : mark fill polys
Shift-G        : unmark paint
Double-Shift-G : unmark fill

G Menu

If you aim the mouse pointer at empty space, then type the G key, a menu of extra options appears towards the bottom of the graphics window.

*left-mouse* mark-inside-box    : Click'n'drag the LMB to stretch a box over polys you want to mark.
*right-mouse* unmark-inside-box : Click'n'drag the RMB to stretch a box over polys you want to unmark.
*h* hide-marked                 : Hide all marked polys.
*p* pin-marked                  : Pin the vertexes of all marked polys.
*P* unpin-marked                : Unpin the vertexes of all marked polys.
*s* swap                        : Unmark marked polys, and visa versa.
*u* unmark-all                  : Unmark all marked polys.
*enter* abort                   : Make the G menu go away.

UV View

U/1            : toggle/set UV edit view

Pad5,Home      : focus on shell

L              : toggle shell lock

F              : flatten shell
Space-F        : start continuous flatten
Space          : stop continuous flatten
Shift-F        : bloat then reflatten

B              : flatten brush
R              : relax brush
Shift-R        : very relax brush
X              : totally relax brush
O              : old flatten brush

P              : toggle pin
Double-P       : pin between
Shift-P        : pin box menu
Shift-D        : move shell back to 3D space

C/W            : cut/weld seam
Shift-W        : toggle weld edges
Backspace      : unselect weld edges
M/Shift-M      : magnet snap weld edges
Enter          : attach/detach shells

T              : tag webbing edges
Shift-T        : toggle webbing edges
Backspace      : unselect webbing edges

S              : toggle stack marker/anchor
Double-S       : straighten between stack markers
Shift-S        : as above

L/R Arrow      : flip shell in U
U/D Arrow      : flip shell in V

Ctrl-MMB       : move single point
Ctrl-Shift-MMB : move connected points
Shift-MMB      : move points in circle
-/=            : change circle size
_/+            : change UV box size

Space-LMB      : rotate shell
Space-MMB      : move shell
Space-RMB      : scale shell
Space-LMB+MMB  : scale shell
Tab            : hold down for finer control

Ed View

E/2            : toggle/set 3D edit view

O              : toggle ortho projection
H              : hide faces menu
Pad5,Home      : focus on faces

C/W            : cut/weld seam
Shift-C/W      : cut/weld extended
Backspace      : unselect cut edges
Enter          : detach shell
D              : drop shell into UV space
Shift-D        : reattach shell
Shift-S        : split seams

3D View

3              : toggle/set 3D texture view

O              : toggle ortho projection
H              : hide faces menu
Pad5,Home      : focus on faces

C/W            : cut/weld seam
Shift-W        : toggle weld edges
Backspace      : unselect weld edges

T              : cycle through textures
-/=            : scale texture