Installation Guide: Windows

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This page describes how to install or upgrade UVLayout onto Windows systems.

Workstation Installation

This section describes how to install UVLayout onto a single Windows workstation. It would apply to the majority of people wanting to install UVLayout.

1. If an older version of UVLayout is already installed, first remove it by selecting "Programs -> headus UVLayout -> Uninstall UVLayout" from the Windows Start menu.
2. Run the supplied iuvlayout.exe file and follow the instructions displayed to install UVLayout.

Server Installation

This section only applies to sites with multiple licenses that want to share a single central installation of UVLayout across multiple Windows workstations. By doing this only one copy of UVLayout needs to be keep up to date. This is different to floating licenses, but is usually run in conjunction with them.

Note: This requires UVLayout v1.16.12 or later to work with UNC server paths.

On The Server

1. If an older version of UVLayout is already installed, first remove it by selecting "Programs -> headus UVLayout -> Uninstall UVLayout" from the Windows Start menu.
2. Run the supplied iuvlayout.exe file and follow the instructions displayed to install UVLayout.
3. Create a server.bat file in the UVLayout install folder, substituting \\Lumpy\Apps\headus UVLayout below with the location of the UVLayout install folder, and substitute lserver with the name of the floating license server (may or may not be the same as the file server). If floating licenses aren't being used, leave that line out of the BAT file.
@echo off
set HEADUS_HLSERVER=lserver:11668
"\\Lumpy\Apps\headus UVLayout\howin32.exe" %1

On Each Workstation

Create a desktop icon that runs the server.bat file.

To load files into UVLayout, just as with a local installation, users can then drag'n'drop OBJ and UVL files onto the desktop icon.

Fix For UNC Problem

Some actions within UVLayout (e.g. clicking on the View User Guide button) run a Windows CMD.EXE shell. When UVLayout is run via a UNC path, these actions will fail because of a "feature" within Windows that stops CMD.EXE from starting in UNC folders by default.

You can read all about it here:

The fix is to run regedit, and under the registry path ...

         \Command Processor

... add the value DisableUNCCheck REG_DWORD and set the value to 0x1 (Hex).

This will need to be done of each workstation running UVLayout.